Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blogging for Teaching/Coaching

   Blogging could be a very beneficial tool for my Professional Development.    In my current profession, as a Division 1 College Football Coach, communication with my athletes in one of my biggest priorities.  With player's attention spans seeming to get shorter as the seasons progress, this communication is becoming more and more challenging.  Using a blog could prove to be helpful in aiding this communication.  Coaching is really just teaching football, so I am taking a tool normally designed for teaching and saying potential users for coaching.
          For example, College Coaches are constantly traveling during the off-season.  Whether it is due to recruiting or attending nation-wide coaching clinics.  Add this to the players off-season schedules of papers, tests, and necessary off-time away from the game and meeting room, there are times in which face to face meeting with the players is tough.  I could use a limited blog, which would have to be set to only be visible to my players, to discuss with them training tips or for updates on necessary information.   This would be such an aid because while players have difficultly remembering itineraries that are handed out, they could easily have my blog as one of their favorites on their phone and computer.  Also, they could potentially set up email notifications when I set up a new blog.
          The comment feature on the blogs could be used with my players as well.  One of the biggest benefits would be during a scheduled game week.  I could write a blog about our opponent detailing certain tendencies and characteristics on their team and plays.  Again, only visible to my players because collecting information rather than giving out information is key to this business.  The players in turn could post their comments on what tendencies and characteristics they saw after watching film on the opponent.  This would serve two purposes: one is to insure that the players are watching the necessary film, the second is the comments would be visible to the rest of the players so they could benefit from the extra information as well.
         As another example, the blog would be a perfect place for a collection of coaches to discuss the "x's and o's" of the game.  If I had a group blog with everyone in my coaching circle of friends, we could discuss new ideas, technique, and overall coaching philosophy between each other very easily.
       Finally, this could be an excellent tool for recruiting purposes.  You can keep potential recruited student athletes up to date on the progress of your team and your school.  This would show that an extra layer of being able to relate to the players that could be the difference between landing a prized recruit of not.
          In conclusion, all of these things that would help my current profession applies if/when I become a teacher.  Coaching is just teaching, but substituting athletics for academics.  The same principles apply.  Blogs can helps teachers relay information with their players, share teaching tips and philosophies through a teaching circle of friends, and keep potential students up to date on their schools improvements etc.

            Blogging for teaching can be used in the same way as coaching.  The best ways are to communicate simply and easy with your students and also to get quick feedback from your students as well.